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Listed below is my 7 Step program.  It is a guide, listed in order, to help you maintain focus while working on becoming the happiest & most successful person you possibly ALL areas of your life: personally, professionally, financially, Spiritually, etc.  

The Order of the Steps

They are in a very specific order for a reason.

I strongly suggest that you do them in order.  However, (for example) if one is in very poor physical health, Step 2 ("HEALTH") is seemingly the best place to start.  Although, Step 1 ("PARADIGM") could be comforting to them (Spiritually) while they work Step 2.

Because I believe so strongly in freedom, I do not require you to do the Steps in order.  Although, I encourage you to do so.  However, Steps 6 & 7 ("Self-Actualization" & "God-Realization") must be done in order for obvious reasons.  You clearly must have the basics down to have any chance of achieving the pinnacle of human and eventually Spiritual heights. 

Some Steps may overlap a little.  For example, weight-loss (a sub-topic) is under both the topics of "HEALTH" & "EMPOWERMENT."  Your motivation to lose weight will depend upon your goal; i.e. do you need to lose weight for health reasons or self-esteem issues?  If you go in order (as you should) you will have already addressed your weight in "HEALTH" before even getting to "EMPOWERMENT."  ("EMPOWERMENT" is two Steps later in the program.)

This program is so comprehensive that there is an ever-growing number of sub-topics within each "Topic" or Step.  Theoretically, there are virtually limitless possibilities of sub-topics within these 7 Topics.  Anything and everything imaginable that could possibly help you grow closer to your goals, dreams, happiness and true success in ALL areas of your life will one day be contained within these 7 Topics.  For it will continually grow as more and more information becomes available.


The 7 Steps:


                                                              1)  PARADIGM

                                                  2)  HEALTH

                                                  3)  CHARACTER

                                                  4)  EMPOWERMENT

                                                            5)  LIFE'S WORK

                                                              6)   SELF-ACTUALIZATION

                                                              7)  GOD-REALIZATION



On the most basic level, one's paradigm includes one's core beliefs God, Philosophy, Morality, etc; i.e. are you an Atheist or Spiritual?

If you make the wrong choice, (wrong paradigm) the consequences could be devastating!  The right philosophy/ideology/scientific/Spiritual beliefs will enable the individual to grow and succeed.  The wrong one will ensure stagnation and failure!  Thus, that is why this is the FOUNDATION of the organization.  It is the most important, most fundamental of all the 7 Steps.

Paradigm =  perception, assumption or frame of reference.  In a more general sense, it's the way we "see" the world in terms of perceiving, understanding and interpreting; our "guide" to how we live our lives.

If you have the wrong guide or paradigm, you won't reach your destination no matter what you do; i.e. you could work on your behavior try harder, be more disciplined, diligent, etc.  But your efforts would only succeed in getting you to the wrong place faster.

You could work on your attitude think more positively, but you still wouldn't get to the right place.

The fundamental problem has nothing to do with your behavior or attitude.  It has everything to do with having the wrong guide.

 Each of us have many beliefs in our head which fall into two main categories: the way things are and the way things should be.  We interpret everything we experience through these beliefs.  We rarely (if ever) question their accuracy; we're often unaware that we have them.  We simply assume that the way we see things is the way they really are or the way they should be.  And our attitudes and behaviors grow out of those assumptions.  The way we see things is the source of the way we think and the way we act.

 Our paradigm is the sum total of our beliefs, values, identity, expectations, attitudes, habits, decisions, opinions, and thought patterns about ourselves, others, and how life works.  It is the filter through which we interpret what we see and experience.  Your paradigm shapes your life, and draws to you results that are an exact reflection of it.  What you believe will happen, happens.

We approach, react to, and literally create our world based on our own individual paradigm.  Our paradigm tells us how the game of life should be played and it governs whether or not we play it successfully.  We might have a paradigm, for instance, that tells us, "Life is very hard, and I have to struggle just to stay even."  Or we might have a more positive paradigm, like "I'm great at what I do and people want to work with me."

Our paradigms drive our behavior.  Thus, your hidden beliefs will drive you.  If you don't know what they are, you can't do anything about them; i.e. if you want to change your results, you must change your paradigm.

To produce dramatic and permanent results, you have to change the way you think.

Examples of negative paradigms that will not serve you are: prejudice, judgmental, "people are out to get 'ya," negative attitude, pessimism, "people are basically bad," sexism, "the only difference between successful people and losers is luck," bigotry, hedonism, fascism, racism, etc.

Paradigm is Step 1 because I strongly believe it is the most important of the 7 Steps.



In this program the topic of Health includes: Diet, Exercise, Nutrition, Supplements, Weight Loss, Regeneration, Stress Management, Happiness, Laughter, Meditation/Self-Hypnosis, Emotional Well-Being, A Healthy Mind (Positive Thinking, etc.), Alternative Health, Integrative Medicine, Natural Healing, etc.

* Much more detail/information will be added soon.

This is Step 2 because if you don't have your physical health, the steps to follow are generally irrelevant; i.e. if you're bedridden + in horrible condition = you can't do much!

It is not the first step because as mentioned above, if you are bedridden, yet have a strong belief in an afterlife, you can get through it (Your Spirituality is your foundation; you can still look forward to an Afterlife) vs. an Atheist (only this life in this body and can't live it = depressing).  Thus, HEALTH would likely be the first choice of an Atheist.   


I believe character is so very important that it should always be in your consciousness; i.e. "Character Consciousness" as I call it. 

An integral part of SAS is "Character Consciousness."  Basically, it means being consciously aware of one's character at all times; i.e. living the "Golden Rule" at all times. 

To achieve lasting success one MUST be of high ethical character.  One's character will ultimately be the deciding factor in one's success or failure.  If you want to be taken seriously, this issue is critical!  Also, you will stand out from the crowd in a big way nowadays if you consistently display strength of character.

Character is at the forefront of critical issues of our time!  Very few leaders (including world leaders & corporate leaders) take responsibility for their policies, actions or words these days.  Most, it seems, are looking to "pass the buck," find a "scapegoat," etc. rather than take responsibility for their failures. 

If you truly want to achieve the highest levels of success, you must hold yourself to the highest standard!  There's a reason very few people are rich; very few are willing to pay the price to be rich!

There are many different types of riches.  I'm not only speaking of monetary riches.  There is personal success, professional success and Spiritual success.  And many, many sub-successes within those three broad categories; i.e. parental success, romantic success, etc.

This is Step 3 because Character is so very important!  Without Character it is not likely you will be successful in your work.  At the very least, you will limit your success.

This is more important than Empowerment because without Character, you can have all the skills in the world, but few will want to deal with you!



Empowerment = Self-Help or Self-Improvement Learn new skills for success in any or all areas of your life to help maximize your potential; everything from overcoming a horrible childhood to maximizing your tools for optimum success both personally and professionally.

Includes: Personal Growth, overcoming Trauma, Weight Loss (for self-esteem), Safety needs (out of abusive relationship physical and/or emotional abuse), Psychological needs, etc. via Emotional Release, Hypnosis, Counseling, Couples Counseling, Support/Support Group, etc.

The above examples are obviously of a serious nature.  More basic life-skills are also under the topic of Empowerment.  Such as: Compassionate Communication, Relationship Skills, Parenting Skills, Setting Priorities, Setting Goals, Personal Power, Stress Management, etc.

Some examples of topics for professional empowerment include: Speed Reading, Memory Improvement, ability to easily memorize names, confidence to speak in public, self-confidence, self-esteem, assertivesness, Active Listening, Communication Skills, Time Management, etc.

Empower:  To give official authority or legal power to; to give moral power to; to authorize; inspire somebody with confidence; to give somebody a sense of confidence or self-esteem. 

Synonyms: permission, allow, liberty, indulge, authorize, admission, accordance, might, power, potency, ability, able, qualify.

Antonyms: impotence, disability, incapacity, invalidity, incompetence, helplessness, collapse, exhaust, disqualification, enable, Victim Consciousness!

This is Step 4 because, while it is not as critical as the first 3 steps, it is necessary to address this Step before moving on to one's "Life's Work."



Life's Work = Do what you love for a living!  Not simply your job or career, but your destiny!  Your "Life's Work" is the total fulfillment of your professional Destiny/Purpose; your ideal career.

Most people just accept the following:

Working at a job they don't like...often hate...just for the $; it's work they would not do for free; i.e. would not do as a hobby.  In other words, they don't love their work.  There's no way they'd do it if they didn't get paid.  Worse yet, some only do it because it pays well If it paid any less, they'd get a better job!  As Tony Robbins says, "Most people only look forward to two out of seven days of the week."  Isn't that sad most people only look forward to 28% of their lives!  I don't know about you, but that is unacceptable to me!  I'll be darned if I'm only 'gonna look forward to 2/7ths of my life!  That's not an option for me; and it shouldn't be an option for you.

You can change your CAREER (as people often do) but you can't change your Life's Work!  It's ultimately why we're here...Our Purpose...Our Contribution to the world.  (Of course we're here to contribute on a personal level too; i.e. as a family member, parent, spouse, partner, friend, etc.)

Definition of CAREER: A race; course of action; to move or run rapidly; a chosen profession or occupation; the general progression of one's life, especially in one's profession; to rush headlong; course, passage; full speed or exercise of activity; encounter, charge; a course of continued progress; a profession for which one trains and which is undertaken as a permanent calling; to go at top speed especially in a headlong manner. 

Definition of LIFE'S WORK: You are a special, unique person and you have a meaningful contribution to make to the world.  Every person is born with a purpose.  There is a reason you are here; you have a role to play that no one else on the planet could fill.  The special contribution you came to make is your life's work.  When you are doing that work, you are following your higher path, and your life will be filled with increasing joy, abundance, and well-being.

I believe this is probably the most important key to an individual's happiness...A sense of purpose that permeates one's being.  The need to leave a legacy...To leave the world a better place than you found it...To make a difference...To end up more than just a number; i.e. social security #, account #, etc.

Except for the few close to the deceased, the vast majority of people die an anonymous death - Do you want to be one of those people?  Or do you want to be one of those who have touched their community in a deep and meaningful way?  I'm hoping you'll choose the latter.

Notice above, I wrote, "touched their community in a deep and meaningful way."  I wrote that specifically to make the point that it isn't about "changing the world."  That is, you don't have to be rich & famous to qualify.  And, please can be famous without being rich, or rich without being famous.  Mother Teresa, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, etc. were famous without being rich.  And, they were famous for the right reasons!  Conversely, there are many rich people who are virtually unknown. 

The preceding examples are obviously the extremes of notoriety.  Most people who are successful in their Life's Work are obviously not well known.  And that's ok.  It's not about ego & fame.  But it is about making a difference!

The point is, if you are truly following your passion...your Destiny; that is all that matters. 

It is an incredible feeling to know that you are doing something important with your life.  Instead of simply working at a job that is meaningless to you; i.e. you do it just for the money As the majority of people on this planet do.  Why not make a difference while making a living?

When you watch interviews with famous people such as athletes & entertainers, they often say they almost feel guilty about making so much $ doing what they love.  They would do it for free...for fun as a hobby if it weren't their career.  Just as they did as kids playing sports in the street or putting on plays for friends & family.  How many of us would do our jobs for free or for fun as a hobby?  Not many! 

This is Step 5 in the process only because other more basic needs should be met first.  However, in a lot of ways I believe it to be the most important: If you live a life of purpose, all else seems to fall into place.  It definitely did with me via just the prospect of starting SAS (this organization).  Everything else in my life is easy now by comparison to how it used to be Seriously!

If you are just pursuing your Life's Work not even doing it yet you will be much happier.  You don't come home miserable from working a job you hate and inadvertently take it out on those close to you.  Thus, you are a better mate, parent, friend, relative, co-worker, etc.  And the contentment/happiness you get from loving your work spills over into all other areas of your life; it makes everything easier and better.  Believe me...I know!  It was the single most life-changing event of my life By far!  Nothing has made me happier or more successful. 

(I'm biased toward the above Step as you've probably noticed.  Only "PARADIGM" came close to having as much written about it.  I obviously believe Paradigm to be very important also.  Not that they all aren't important; because they are.  You will have your favorite/s as well.  As most things in life, it's relative to each person's priorities.)



Self-Actualization = Working to achieve the total fulfillment of one's potential/capabilities in all areas of one's life both personally & professionally.

Abraham Maslow: "If you plan on being anything less than you are capable of being, you will probably be unhappy all the days of your life.  What a man can be he must be.  He must be true to his own nature.  This we may call self-actualization."  (Maslow, 1954, pg. 46)

"Maslow felt that too much of psychological theory had been derived from the study of neurotic patients; he sought instead to characterize the healthy, or self-actualized, person.  He examined the lives of people who seemed to have lived up to their potential most fully, including Albert Einstein and Eleanor Roosevelt.  Maslow found that self-actualized individuals shared certain attributes: They were accepting of themselves and others, deeply committed to their work, spontaneous in the expression of emotion and the appreciation of beauty, and relatively unconcerned about the opinions of others.  In addition, these people all had a notable lack of guilt, shame, or anxiety."

This topic is the achievement of the highest level of human accomplishment, fulfillment and thus happiness.  Therefore, it is obviously 2nd only to God-Realization.  Thus, it is Step 6 in the program.

* This is the final step for Atheists.  However, see below for the possibility that "Science/Universal-Realization" is the name of their last step. 



God-Realization = The process of working to achieve the pinnacle of one's Spiritual potential; Oneness of Spirit. 

Depending upon one's religious or Spiritual beliefs, this Step can take on virtually limitless possibilities.  For there are so very many religions, religious sects, etc.

Because more people have been killed in the name of God via religion than all the other wars put together, we must learn tolerance.  "My religion is better than your religion," has failed miserably.  This issue is as timely now as ever with terrorist attacks occurring worldwide as a constant reminder of just how important it is to respect others' religious beliefs and not force our religious views on others. 

Leading by example has always been, and always will be the best and only true method of influencing others.  Just like in politics, "mud-slinging" is not the way to convert people to your cause/religion/Spiritual beliefs.  Speaking well of your religion/Spiritual beliefs is far more effective at converting others than criticizing the beliefs of others.  It puts people on the defensive and inevitably leads to hostility. 

This program is about bringing people together…not tearing them apart.  And thus, this Step is not limited to those with Spiritual beliefs.  Just because I have a bias toward Spirituality, does not give me the right to judge those who don’t.  I have met & know a number of Atheists who are some of the nicest, kindest, most decent people I have ever met.  Conversely, I have met & know a number of Christians who are some of the biggest hypocrites, phonies, judgmental idiots, etc. that I have ever met. Therefore, I am not limiting this Step to those of a Spiritual persuasion.   

So, if you truly keep God (whatever your concept of God may be, or the name you may use for God) in your heart throughout your day...every day, others will eagerly inquire as to how you have come upon such true bliss and inner peace...Amen!